
Image result for stereotype cartoon

What is stereotype?

In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category. While such generalizations may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals. Stereotypes encourage prejudice and may arise for a number of reasons.

In what ways do stereotypes affect the way that we communicate with each other?

When we stereotype, we draw conclusions based on common assumptions, assumptions that is not based on factual knowledge. The key to effective communication lies in listening and understanding to the perspectives of the people you are communicating with. However, we automatically start assuming or pushing our expectations of how the opposite must react based on our stereotyping once our preconceived notion influence us and communication is mostly not taken seriously.

Image result for stereotype cartoon

For example, stereotyping tells you that Asians are good with math. You approached an Asian with Math problem, expecting the he/she to help you but unfortunately, he/she is unable to help you because he/she is not good at Math but you get angry because the action did not inline with your assumption and imply that he/she not wanting to help and you get the impression of Asian being not helpful and you stereotyped all Asians are not helpful. Communication is unable to carry on.

Cite one past experience you had (or witnessed) in NS/school/daily life.

Many non-Singaporean Chinese assume I cannot speak Chinese because they assume Singaporean Chinese is very weak in their mother tongue language. Furthermore, I have an english name which make the presume that I am purely english educated.

Whenever foreign Chinese speaks to me, they just talk to me in english even though they are speaking chinese to someone else just a few seconds ago. There are times when I replied them in chinese, they response me in english. I once asked them the reason for this action, they told me is because they expect my chinese to be very limited, I will never fully understands what they saying so might as well just speak in english.

However, the truth is, I speak and write better in chinese than english. I was brought up speaking only chinese and dialect since my family only speaks chinese at home. I only learned english after attending school.

What are the implications of such events occurring in your social life

It may be a small problem but it has a huge impact on me. I never approach anyone in chinese first. Only when the opposite converse with me in chinese, then I will continue the conversation in chinese. Or else, I will always approach anyone in english.


3 thoughts on “Stereotypes

  1. Hi Priscilla!
    Great post you have wrote about stereotypes! Interesting comic you have put at the beginning of the blog post! I do agree with you that the key to effective communications are listening and understanding from other party’s point of view. I can definitely relate to your example about Singaporean Chinese not being fluent in speaking mandarin. I personally experienced this too. Growing up in a mandarin speaking family, I am pretty fluent in it. Whenever I am communicating with others, I questions like, “where are you from?” or “wow, I did not know Singaporeans could speak such fluent mandarin?” Looking forward to your upcoming post!


  2. Hi, Priscilla!

    A good post about Stereotype! First of all, an eye-catching comic is a great idea to show a scenario of a stereotype at the beginning of the post, followed by a very simple explanation about the stereotype. I do agree that effective communication lies in listening and understanding with the involved parties. However, stereotype creates communication barriers by having common assumptions on a particular group.

    Moreover, I am quite sad that people still doubt about your Chinese since you did take initiative to speak Mandarin with them, I have a similar experience as you, just they doubt about my English instead. I believe your Mandarin is very good. All in all, I like your blog post as it’s short and sweet, all straight to the points and easy to understand.

    I’m looking forward to your next blog post!!!


  3. Hi Priscilla,
    Enjoyed reading your post about Stereotypes, especially the comic at the start of the post was a great way to provide better understanding for your readers. Agree that effective communication lies in listening and understanding from other’s point of view.
    I personally have not encountered the example of stereotype you provided, but I have seen it happening to friends around me.
    Looking forward to your next blog post!


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