Johari Window

What is Johari Window?

Image result for johari window

Johari Window is a simple and useful model that helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It was invented by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s for mapping personality awareness. There are four quadrants in the model:

  • Open
    • Traits that both subject and peers perceive go to this cell.
  • Blind
    • Traits that only peers perceive go to this cell.
  • Hidden
    • Traits that only the subject perceive go to this cell.
  • Unknown
    • Traits that is not selected by subject nor peers go to this cell.

Johari Adjectives/Traits

Image result for johari adjectives

Is this an accurate presentation of myself?

I have invited a close friend, a friend that grew up with me to do this test. She have participated in more than half of my life, I am sure that they know me well. From the model above, I can say this is an accurate presentation of myself. The side that I just want to keep to myself is in the hidden quadrant.

I did this test with an acquaintance who I spoke to for the first time. As you can see from the result, the acquaintance know barely anything about me. Most of the adjectives is either in the hidden or unknown quadrant. However, the adjectives in the open and bind spot quadrant is different from the result I did with my close friend. I tend to act differently with different people. I am very introverted, shy and quiet in front of a stranger.

Are there any areas that surprised me from my friend’s perception of me?

I am not surprise by the result I did with an acquaintance. What surprised me was my friend thinks that I am intelligent, smart (Well, thanks buddy! 😎)(I am academically lousiest among the group.) Looking at the blind spot, She thinks so good about me (cry in tears 😭).

Well, different people have different perception and so is their definition. They consider me as brave and bold, but I never consider myself as brave and bold.

How is this result useful for self-awareness and communication in a team?

Johari window helps people to explore the qualities that make them who they are. The results of Johari window can positively use in understanding personal strengths and weaknesses. It can also be used to avoid any unnecessary confrontation or causing contention due to ignorant of one personality. However, I believe Johari window is not accurate if this is done with someone who is not close. Johari window will only serve as a tool for the person to get to know the subject better.


5 thoughts on “Johari Window

  1. Hey Priscilla,

    Thank you for the brief explanation you have done on Johari Window. It allows me to have a better understanding. I totally agreed with you that the Johari Window analysis is more accurate when you do with a close friend you have known for so long as compared to someone who you are not close with. I was quite surprised by my analysis result as it did not turn out to what I expected from my new friend.

    Agreed that Johari Window can be positively used in understanding personal strengths and weaknesses and from there, we are able to further improve ourselves. 🙂


  2. Hey Priscilla! Great and concise introduction about the Johari Window Concept! Your blog post was easy to comprehend. Very interesting take on the comparison between getting a close friend of yours to do the window as compared to a stranger that you just met for the first time. The first time meeting someone, they will judge us base on first impression and know very little about our personalities as compared to someone you know half of your life.I agree with you that the window helps us to explore qualities we never knew we had and it can also be a tool to get to know somewhere better!


  3. Hi Priscilla, good short and sweet background information about what the Johari Window model is all about, it made it really easy to understand. I definitely agree on the point that the Johari Window of us will be different depending on who does it for us, which you have shown in your two examples from your peers. The people whom we have known for a long time would tend to have more traits of us in the open area, while people whom we had just met or are not close with would have more traits either in the hidden or unknown area. It would be good to expand the open area to more people so that we can better communicate with others, as well as to find out more about ourselves. Great job!


  4. Hi Priscilla! Thank you for the description about the four areas of Johari window, it is simple to understand! About the Johari Window that you have done with your close friend, I do agree that it is quite an accurate representation of yourself, and the acquaintance that did the Johari Window with you have mostly based you on first appearance, and probably how you represented yourself to him or her. The Johari Window can in fact also help improve on your other abilities like your friend said that you were dependable or caring, which you could focus on bringing it out more. Great blog post!


  5. Hi Priscilla. Your post on the Johari Window is very clear and concise. I liked how you explained the 4 areas of the model with point forms. Although we have not met in class yet, but I could feel abit of your personality through this post as you described yourself as cheerful and bold. It was interesting when you stated that you were not surpirsed by the perspection an acquintance made, but rather by your friend. The perception your acquintance and close friend had on you was quite different, one described you as quiet, while the other described you as extroverted. Hence, I do agree that the Johari Window may not be accurate on someone you meet for the first time. It was a great blog post and hope to see you in class!


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