
Image result for stereotype cartoon

What is stereotype?

In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category. While such generalizations may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals. Stereotypes encourage prejudice and may arise for a number of reasons.

In what ways do stereotypes affect the way that we communicate with each other?

When we stereotype, we draw conclusions based on common assumptions, assumptions that is not based on factual knowledge. The key to effective communication lies in listening and understanding to the perspectives of the people you are communicating with. However, we automatically start assuming or pushing our expectations of how the opposite must react based on our stereotyping once our preconceived notion influence us and communication is mostly not taken seriously.

Image result for stereotype cartoon

For example, stereotyping tells you that Asians are good with math. You approached an Asian with Math problem, expecting the he/she to help you but unfortunately, he/she is unable to help you because he/she is not good at Math but you get angry because the action did not inline with your assumption and imply that he/she not wanting to help and you get the impression of Asian being not helpful and you stereotyped all Asians are not helpful. Communication is unable to carry on.

Cite one past experience you had (or witnessed) in NS/school/daily life.

Many non-Singaporean Chinese assume I cannot speak Chinese because they assume Singaporean Chinese is very weak in their mother tongue language. Furthermore, I have an english name which make the presume that I am purely english educated.

Whenever foreign Chinese speaks to me, they just talk to me in english even though they are speaking chinese to someone else just a few seconds ago. There are times when I replied them in chinese, they response me in english. I once asked them the reason for this action, they told me is because they expect my chinese to be very limited, I will never fully understands what they saying so might as well just speak in english.

However, the truth is, I speak and write better in chinese than english. I was brought up speaking only chinese and dialect since my family only speaks chinese at home. I only learned english after attending school.

What are the implications of such events occurring in your social life

It may be a small problem but it has a huge impact on me. I never approach anyone in chinese first. Only when the opposite converse with me in chinese, then I will continue the conversation in chinese. Or else, I will always approach anyone in english.


Johari Window

What is Johari Window?

Image result for johari window

Johari Window is a simple and useful model that helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It was invented by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s for mapping personality awareness. There are four quadrants in the model:

  • Open
    • Traits that both subject and peers perceive go to this cell.
  • Blind
    • Traits that only peers perceive go to this cell.
  • Hidden
    • Traits that only the subject perceive go to this cell.
  • Unknown
    • Traits that is not selected by subject nor peers go to this cell.

Johari Adjectives/Traits

Image result for johari adjectives

Is this an accurate presentation of myself?

I have invited a close friend, a friend that grew up with me to do this test. She have participated in more than half of my life, I am sure that they know me well. From the model above, I can say this is an accurate presentation of myself. The side that I just want to keep to myself is in the hidden quadrant.

I did this test with an acquaintance who I spoke to for the first time. As you can see from the result, the acquaintance know barely anything about me. Most of the adjectives is either in the hidden or unknown quadrant. However, the adjectives in the open and bind spot quadrant is different from the result I did with my close friend. I tend to act differently with different people. I am very introverted, shy and quiet in front of a stranger.

Are there any areas that surprised me from my friend’s perception of me?

I am not surprise by the result I did with an acquaintance. What surprised me was my friend thinks that I am intelligent, smart (Well, thanks buddy! 😎)(I am academically lousiest among the group.) Looking at the blind spot, She thinks so good about me (cry in tears 😭).

Well, different people have different perception and so is their definition. They consider me as brave and bold, but I never consider myself as brave and bold.

How is this result useful for self-awareness and communication in a team?

Johari window helps people to explore the qualities that make them who they are. The results of Johari window can positively use in understanding personal strengths and weaknesses. It can also be used to avoid any unnecessary confrontation or causing contention due to ignorant of one personality. However, I believe Johari window is not accurate if this is done with someone who is not close. Johari window will only serve as a tool for the person to get to know the subject better.


Is Shannon and Weaver’s (1954) model of communication complete?

What is Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication?

In 1948, an American mathematician and Electronic engineer, Claude Shannon and American Scientist, Warren Weaver co-published an article in “Bell system Technical Journal” called “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” which also known as “Shannon-Weaver model of communication”. The model consists of 7 elements: sender, encoder, channel, decoder, receiver, noise and feedback. It is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver.

Sender: Information source. Example: Customer
Encoder: Transmitter. Example: Phone
Channel: Mode of delivery. Example: Cable
Decoder: Reception. Example: Phone
Receiver: Destination. Example: Employee
Noise: Interference. Example: Thunder sound

Example: Customer (Sender) uses his phone (Encoder) to make a call (Channel) to the shop phone (Decoder) to make a reservation at 6:30pm. During the call, it was raining heavily with loud thunder sounds (noise) and the employee (Receiver) received the message as 6:00pm. The employee asked the customer (feedback) “Reservation at 6?”.

Due to the thunder sound, there is transmission error, the employee is unable to catch the message after 6.


Lacks in Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication

Communication can be done in many ways and more than one may be occurring at any given time.

 ·       Verbal Communication (face-to-face, telephone, radio, television etc.)
 ·       Non-Verbal Communication (Body language, facial expression, 
tone of voice, emotional state etc.)
 ·       Written Communication (email, letters, books etc.)
 ·       Visualization (Graphs, charts etc.)

As can be seen, Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication is only applicable to verbal communication and written communication. Non-verbal communication and visualization were unable to use Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication to represent.

A nod, a smile, a frown, folded arms, head-scratching convey a message even though there is no verbal response. For example:


Both said sorry but who is more sincere? Person A is more sincere. With the hand on the head and the awkward smile, the message conveyed was Person A acknowledge his mistake and was apologetic about it. On the other hand, with his arm folded and a frown, Person B did not acknowledge his mistake and was seems forced to say sorry instead.

Another example, the difference between “hello!” and “HELLO!”. The tone of voice for both is different even though the words are the same. The first one is a casual and friendly greeting, on the other hand, the second one is a shouting, unfriendly hello.


Context refers to the setting in which communication takes place but context is missing from Shannon and Weaver’s (1954) model of communication. There are four types of context:

Physical Context – Environment. E.g. People speaks differently when they are in a church and a soccer game.

Cultural Context – Values, beliefs, lifestyles, and behavior. E.g.”OK” sign is okay in the American culture but it is seen as an obscene gesture in Brazil.

Social-psychological – intimacy level and formality of the exchange. E.g Conversation between husband and wife would not be handled the same as a conversation between employee and employer.

Temporal Context – position of a message within a sequence of conversational events. E.g. Speech becomes unintelligible if it is presented at an unnaturally slow or fast rate.

Shannon and Weaver’s (1954) model of communication has another problem is that feedback did not go through any channel nor encoder and decoder. As can be seen from diagram above, feedback goes straight from the receiver to the sender without any noise interference, usage of any channel and encoder and decoder.


Shannon and Weaver’s (1954) model of communication is not complete. Non-verbal communication and visualization is also form of communication but it was not included in the model. A picture speaks a thousand words, a gesture and facial expression also convey messages, context also affects communication.



My name is Priscilla, currently 22. My parent gave me this name because my dad is a fan of Elvis Presley so he named me after Elvis’ daughter, hoping I will be as pretty as her (too bad, I wasn’t) (sorry, dad 😛 ).

Growing up, I am never an indecisive person. I have very clear preferences for things, like is like, dislike means dislike. As I am someone with clear preferences, I hate it when people say “anything”. I can totally understand when guys complain about asking girls what to eat, girls will always reply “anything!” and then when guys suggest something, girls say no until the food they wanted got suggested. I face the same thing when eating out with my female friends. Being someone who is never afraid of voicing out my opinion, it can be very suffocating when people go around the bush, afraid of giving opinions or even worse, not knowing what they want.

I used to be a perfectionist, I wanted everything to be perfect but as time goes by, I realize being a perfectionist is too tiring mentally and physically. Trying to remove all the imperfect things is too troublesome. Things will never go according to plan, imperfect will continue to appear and then I realize what is important was not on being perfect but trying my best. As long as I have tried my best, it is okay to be imperfect. Hence, my life motto now was “try my best, have no regrets”.

I graduated from Republic Polytechnic with a Diploma of Business Applications. It might sound like a business course, but it is an IT course (don’t be cheated!) (Even though I got cheated 😂) It teaches how to apply technology in business to improve efficiency and performance of the business, something like finance technology.

One of the reasons I chose this course in university was because I wanted to continue studying something related to what I have studied in polytechnic. I have look through all the courses and found that this course is the most similar to the one I have studied in polytechnic and hence I chose this course. I used to tell my friends computer science is a tech-savvy and boring course, I will never take computer science but look where am I now (laughs🤣). There is a reason why people always say you will never know what happens in the future. Well, after being an IT student, it is not as boring as I as thought, I find it interesting!

I may look tough and unapproachable, but to your surprise, I am shy with strangers. Nonetheless, I am a friendly person so don’t judge a book by its cover! 😀